From the course: Work Stories: Experiences that Influence Careers

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Pat Wadors: Do the right thing at the right time

Pat Wadors: Do the right thing at the right time

From the course: Work Stories: Experiences that Influence Careers

Pat Wadors: Do the right thing at the right time

(moderate music) - Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, earlier in my career, like way early, I was a new mom, I had my newborn son, my first son, my first child, in a car, in a lot, in the parking lot of this company with my father-in-law while I was interviewing. Now my son was only like six months old, my father-in-law drove me around to these interviews. I was super excited, I was moving in a new town, looking for a new gig and a new mom. Talk about stress! And so half-way through an interview with this amazing recruiter, amazing in retrospect and I'll tell you why, I get, there's this knock on the door and says, "excuse me, Pat, your son needs you." And I'm thinking, my son? He's like six weeks old, how can he be talking? So I say, excuse me, Gary, I gotta go and I look out the door and it's my father-in-law panicking with a crying baby. Now, at six weeks, let me just say that I'm not bottle feeding him at that stage and so it, I needed to feed my son, and the recruiter was…
