From the course: Ryan Holmes on Social Leadership

Own it

- So a bit of the elephant in the room for a lot of leaders is what happens if I screw up? What happens if I stick my foot in it, I mess up, and this is a big challenge for a lot of people. You've gotten help, you've figured out your voice, you've figured out your channels, you've done a lot of work on this, and there is a risk on messing up. At the end of the day, you have to remember that the news cycle does move on. If you do make a mistake, you need to own it, and if you own it and own it honestly, talk about how you're going to make change around it, the world is forgiving and the news cycle does pass. So as leaders of brands, we invest a huge amount of resources in building a great brand. I'll have you think about the airline industry over the past couple of years. We've seen brands that have not built DNA and have not owned bad publicity and PR on social, and the effect of that versus brands that have been responsive and have built good DNA around social, and they've really owned it and been able to manage the narrative.
