From the course: Happiness Tips

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Overcome procrastination

Overcome procrastination

From the course: Happiness Tips

Overcome procrastination

- I think my wife's biggest cause of unhappiness apart from me, no I'm only kidding, is procrastination, putting things off. Don't get me wrong, I think she's pretty happy overall, but procrastination is her one demon, and it really does reduce her overall happiness. That feeling of something that you know you should be doing and it's starting to become quite urgent and you still can't seem to get around to it. It's there hanging over you all the time. Years ago when my daughter was about four, she was a chicken in the Easter dancing show. There were about 30 tiny human chickens in this chorus line, and the mums had to make their outfits. I think we were given the material and you had to cut out the shapes and sew it up. Anyway, making the chicken outfit was put off and put off until the dress rehearsal loomed and it was just a couple of days away. And my wife had this increasing feeling of panic and inadequacy as her daughter still didn't have her outfit. And in the end I sat her…
