From the course: Happiness Tips

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Nature as a source of happiness

Nature as a source of happiness

From the course: Happiness Tips

Nature as a source of happiness

- [Instructor] Another contributor to our happiness is time spent outside with nature. I don't know why this is. I guess it's because we're animals, and we have a past of being outside, so we still have this connection with nature. Anyway, even if it's cold out there, and you don't feel like getting any exercise, it's good for the soul, and good for your overall happiness to get some contact with nature. You probably will get some exercise as well, which can be a bad thing. Here are some ideas on how to get more nature into your life, and I'm hoping that you might decide to adopt just one of them, and make it a habit. Go for a walk. Maybe at lunch time, around the block, or maybe walk to work if the weather is good. If you don't tend to take the train or bus because it doesn't go right from your front door to the office door, then maybe consider walking the first and last bit, and make that a feature. Breathe in the air, and get the exercise. Then, maybe think about how you can get…
