From the course: Administrative Professional Tips


From the course: Administrative Professional Tips


- Do you have a professional mentor? If you don't, you need one. A professional mentor is one who shares their insight and advance to the mentee in a effort to help them personally and professionally develop. Mentoring provides invaluable coaching and guidance that will be helpful to you in your career. According to renowned leadership expert and speaker John Maxwell, one of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. As administrative professionals, we often operate in isolation by virtue of the work that we perform. Mentoring helps us to move out of that normal mode of operation and instead exposes us to the skills and influence we need for our well-being and career development. Some of the most popular mentoring benefits for the mentee include regular feedback from the mentor on the mentee's areas for improvement. Introductions to other people and relationships that will be beneficial. Job opportunities that you would not normally have access to. Sound advance on how to navigate difficult situations. More effective interpersonal skills. I have had a number of mentors that I have incorporated into my own life over the years. The relationships have been both formal and informal. My mentors have been extremely helpful in strengthening my confidence, overcoming fear, leading with excellence, and encouraging me through the tough times in life. A formal mentoring relationship is one where a person is specifically asked to serve as a mentor and then agrees to do so. You can approach them directly in person or via email. I ensure that I am clear on what I am asking for and why I believe they are the best person to play this role. An informal mentoring relationship is one where you seek guidance from experts in topic areas. Whether it's reading books or attending speaking engagements or following their work, you can clean information from these experts that enhances your personal and/or professional development. Oftentimes I refer to these individuals as virtual mentors. One of the many benefits of the internet, and more specifically social media platforms, has been the ability of many of us to interact and have access to individuals who we admire and respect in a number of different areas. I personally read many books in the area of business management and personal development. I also watch and listen to videos, podcasts, interviews, and live events of some of the greatest minds in the world. Some of my favorites include life strategist Tony Robbins, motivational speaker and author Mel Robbins, web television host Marie Forleo, and personal finance expert Dave Ramsey. I follow these individuals on all social media platforms, have read multiple books written by them, and watched countless videos that they have produced. Their mentorship over the last decade has been invaluable. I encourage you to seek out professional mentors within your immediate circle and even broader. There are countless numbers of men and women who are thought leaders and influence makers all around the world and in your own office. These individuals have important information that you need to know. Don't delay in developing one of these relationships today. You will be glad that you did.
