From the course: Product Management Tips

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Managing product managers

Managing product managers

- If you see any of the other videos in this series, you're probably tired of me saying how much the role of product management differs from other modern tech jobs. Sorry, this video is no different. Let's talk about managing product managers, what makes them unique from other people management jobs, and a few tips I found to be useful when managing them. In most product organizations there's two types of roles, management and individual contributors. The people orchestrating the hands on, day-to-day changes in products with teams of engineers and designers are known as individual contributors. They're usually at the senior product manager level and below. As we know, one of the core tenets of the PM role is being totally autonomous in the decisions you make with your team to optimize and change the product as you see fit. Ideally, this is done with little or no permission from your manager. So then, if you're a manager of other product managers, what is your role if you're not…
