From the course: Note-Taking for Business Professionals

Making a decision

From the course: Note-Taking for Business Professionals

Making a decision

- In this video, you're going to learn how to organize your notes to help you make a decision using the XMind software platform. Organizing your decision options with this template will give you a nice bird's eye view and could help you make better decisions more quickly. Now, some decisions are very straightforward and don't require much mental work. But other decisions can be complex, where you have to weigh various options and look at the pros and cons of each potential decision. In this template, you can organize your choices and analyze the pros and cons of each option. To start, you might want to rename the top part where it says Make a Decision. Give it a name that reflects the decision you're making. Below that, you'll find three potential solutions. If you want, you can rename these to something like Option A, Option B, and Option C, or whatever names work best for you. And below each of those options, you'll have pros and cons laid out. These are pretty self-explanatory. Just list the pros and cons of each decision. If your decision has more than three options, just click on one of the options and copy it. From there, you want to click on the box at the top and then paste it back in. Notice how the pro and con structure stays exactly the same. This quick shortcut is ideal for decisions that have many options. So try organizing your decision options in this manner, so you can see the big picture and make better decisions faster.
