From the course: Insights from a College Career Coach

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Maintaining an online presence

Maintaining an online presence

Jeff Layton: What about your online presence? How important is it to maintain an online presence when you're thinking about your career? Valerie Sutton: I think it's very important. It's how human resources is finding people. Valerie: Let me give you an example. Jeff: Yes! Valerie: A couple of searches this summer that I was helping some employers with, they were asking me for alumni that had expertise in some particular areas, and I was able to go into LinkedIn and even though those people weren't actively seeking, I was referring them to the employer, saying hey, these people have the skills. So they were getting approached about these opportunities, and they're not even seeking them, which may be a fantastic opportunity. So I think having your profile online is important, because I can't find you if you're not out there. However, I know that there are some people that are hesitant to have an online profile and to have their information publicly. There is two things. You can set it…
