From the course: Personal Finance Tips and Tricks

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Letting go of your family money story

Letting go of your family money story

From the course: Personal Finance Tips and Tricks

Letting go of your family money story

- You can tell the story about Grandpa deciding to run his first marathon at age 60 and how Aunt Jenny was the first one in your family to go to college. But can you tell me your family's money story? For some of us, our family money story is all too familiar. For others, it percolates under the surface, influencing our choices without our conscious awareness. Our family money story is the original software behind the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors we bring to our financial life. Some of us work to modify that programming as we run into limitations in the ways that it serves us. But before we can do that, we have to get clear on what the story is. Everyone's family money story has four parts. What you experienced with money, what people said about it, the emotional tone, even when nothing was said, and how we interpret the events, messages, and feelings. A great way to start to explore and articulate your family money story is with an exercise called a financial genogram. Download…
