From the course: Creating an Amazing Life


- Hey everybody, my name's C.C. Chapman. And I'm the author of the book, Amazing Things Will Happen. Today we're gonna be talking about a lot of the points from the book and how you can live an amazing life. Unfortunately, a lot of people get stuck in the day-to-day life. They go to work, they go home, they trudge through life. And sometimes it takes a tragedy to make people wake up, that you know what, they're not living the life they wanna live. And what drives me nuts is I don't think people should wait until tragedy to open their eyes. We are not guaranteed another minute on this earth. Tomorrow, five minute from now, five years, 50 years from now, we don't know how much time we have on earth. So we've gotta take advantage and do everything we can to live as much as possible in this life. Yes, making money's important, have a family is important to some people. But figuring out what's important to you, and then making that work for your life, is what this is all about. Now, I couldn't be the man I was if it wasn't for my family. I was blessed with having two great parents. In this photo you can see here, this was us on my first camping trip, I'm a little, little guy at the time, a few months old, happy in the woods. My parents have taken me on great adventures big and small. They've instilled all this in me, giving me the confidence to do what I do. And I'm hoping to pass on at least a little bit of that knowledge to you and I hope I pass it on to my kids and everybody I interact with in life. So that's the hope for today as we move forward on how to live an amazing life.
