From the course: Writing Speeches

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Incorporating visuals

Incorporating visuals

- The speech is finally written, anything left to prepare, probably visuals. Whether to use visual aids, which types to use, what should be included, and when to use them in the presentations are all questions that need to be considered. So many possibilities exist, and the experts don't always agree on the best way. As you consider those questions plan carefully, do your research and know your audience. Does that sound familiar? I hope so, in other words don't use visuals because everybody uses visuals, or as a security prop to take the attention away from you or to use them as notes. Rather choose to use them to supplement or strengthen your speech. If used inappropriately visuals can actually weaken your speech. Even though providing sample objects using a flip chart and writing on the white board are examples of visuals, in this lesson we'll discuss concerns that are applicable to writing PowerPoint slides or a Prezi and handouts. Several courses delve more deeply into…
