From the course: Happiness Tips

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How to spend more time with friends

How to spend more time with friends

From the course: Happiness Tips

How to spend more time with friends

- I find that quite often I have a great evening out with some friends and we all say we must do this more often and then we don't get around to it again for ages. Now, maybe they are all must lying to me in order to be polite but no, I don't think it's that. I think we just get too busy and nobody takes the lead and it just doesn't get organized. So, I'd like to suggest that you be the one who organizes the night out with your friends and the advantage of this is that you can pick who you invite. You could even have a list of the various groupings of friends, the various combinations that meet up from time to time. And make sure that you get each of them to happen. And what would be the format? Well, it could be a boys night or girls night out or mixed, or with partners. You could have a meal, either at a restaurant or at each other's house and it could just be a take-away if you don't want to cook. Or you could go night-clubbing or dancing, whatever it is called these days but there…
