From the course: Getting Things Done

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How long does it take to implement?

How long does it take to implement?

From the course: Getting Things Done

How long does it take to implement?

- We're often asked how long it takes to implement this stuff. Well, there's a lot of ways to answer that. You can implement this stuff immediately. Immediately. How long does it take to sit down and write down the top 10 things on your mind right now? How long does it take to decide the next actions on those? And I guarantee you, the ROI is gonna be a pay-off immediately. Immediately. If the question is how long does it take before this is habitual, and truly integrated in your life, I'd say two years. If you're really focused on it and you really work the game. The biggest barrier to entry for this is people's addiction to stress. Their willingness to tolerate not doing getting things done. So when you don't do getting things done it's gonna create backlog. Life is gonna back up in your head like bad plumbing. You're gonna be waked up at three o'clock in the morning with stuff you can't do anything about. There's all kinds of that stuff. The good news about this is you don't have to…
