From the course: Job Skills: Learning Retail Sales

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How to not get fired

How to not get fired

- [Narrator] Now that you got your job, you wanna keep it, right? Well, even if you don't, no one wants to get fired. Let me give you a few quick tips to avoid that. Honestly, some of these things shouldn't be surprising to you but surprisingly, they're often overlooked. First of all, don't show up at work under the influence of anything. Just because a substance is legal, doesn't mean it's okay in the workplace. No one's gonna tolerate you being under the influence at your job. The point is, you're just not operating at your highest capacity. Show up sober, get a good night sleep, and be prepared to work. Next, I wanna talk about the temptation of cash. In most retail jobs, you're gonna be responsible for working a register. Some people think they can slip a casual 20 into their pocket and no one will notice. Folks, I got news for you. You always get caught, there's cameras everywhere. And companies go to great lengths to find out who the thief is. Even if it's a small amount. It's…
