From the course: Job Skills: Learning the Basics

Handling conflict

- [Narrator] Humans aren't always easy to get along with. We're all different. We all have different ways of thinking about things, and we can just be outright grumps. Conflict is inevitable. But listen, at work you've got to try your best. Conflict, by definition, is when one person has a need from someone that isn't being met. And, what do most people do with conflict? Yeah, they run away from it. But whether it's a customer or coworker, you have a responsibility to take the higher ground to try and resolve it. So, what do you do? Well, your first step is to do the opposite of avoiding it. You're going to have to communicate about it to identify the problem. Address the other person calmly saying, "Help me to understand your concern." Next, use empathy. That doesn't mean you have to agree with the other person. It just means acknowledging and appreciating their concern. Something like, "I hear you," or "I can understand how this is frustrating for you." Then try to find a common ground for resolution. Work together to generate options. Situations aren't always black and white, and you'll find that by continuing to communicate, there's a lot of room for compromise. Remember, as uncomfortable as conflict can be, sweeping it under the rug doesn't resolve anything. Be proactive in resolving conflict without letting emotions run high, and you'll be well on your way to resolving it in no time.
