From the course: Personal Finance Tips and Tricks

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Get value from financial advisors

- The world of financial advice is a vast and complex one and it can be hard to know where to start when you decide you want some help. For as long as there's been money, there's been people who charge a fee to hold it or manage it for you, or tell you how to budget it. If you have a complicated financial life, with property, children, different assets, perhaps a business, maybe some debt, and a complicated budget, an advisor may be just the thing you need to bring order to your investments. First thing, consider your goals. What problems are you looking to solve? Is it to save you time across a variety of financial issues? Is it to grow your nest egg? Is it to help you budget and save? Your goals will narrow down the different type of advisors that are right for you. You should also keep in mind that there's a difference between an investment advisor and a financial planner. An investment advisor is focused on growing your assets, while a financial planner is focused on the spectrum…
