From the course: Happiness Tips

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Focus on relationships

Focus on relationships

From the course: Happiness Tips

Focus on relationships

- The biggest source of happiness of all, bar none, is relationships with other people, so this has to be something that we become good at. And really, it's about time. Having enough time to spend with the people we like or love or who make us happy. If you had only six months left to live, or even just a week left to live, what would you do? When I ask people this, they always say they'd spend time with their loved ones which shows that they are the most important things in the world, and yet, we get so caught up with all the small stuff of life, all the urgent stuff that it's easy to forget to spend time with the people we love. Did you know that the average American father only spends 24 minutes a week with his kids? That's less than five minutes a day, at least that was the figure back in the 1990s when my kids were little. I didn't really believe this statistic until I started monitoring myself, and I was often away traveling, working late, getting home stressed, and checking my…
