From the course: Arianna Huffington's Thrive 04: Facing Challenges with Gratitude and Forgiveness

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Facing challenges with forgiveness and gratitude

Facing challenges with forgiveness and gratitude

- Welcome back. I can't believe it, but we are over the halfway mark in our course. I have to tell you, I've been working on this Thrive material for several years now and I just love how taking this course with you is helping me re-engage in each step in a much more powerful and deeper way. I'm the teacher, but I'm also the student. I'm learning from watching how you're engaging and the great questions that you are asking. Thank you for helping me on my thriving journey. Last lesson, we focused on prioritizing and learning to give our full attention in our breath. Remember, every keystone habit in this class should be helping you build your toolkit. Starting with sleep and meditation, then disconnecting to reconnect with ourselves and renew ourselves, adding movement, and then last week, prioritizing. One builds on the next and the next. Let's review our Thrive steps for this lesson. The first one was perhaps the hardest one for me. Forgive yourself for any judgements you're holding…
