From the course: Work Stories: Experiences that Influence Careers

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Donna Brighton: Getting fired could be the start of your career

Donna Brighton: Getting fired could be the start of your career

From the course: Work Stories: Experiences that Influence Careers

Donna Brighton: Getting fired could be the start of your career

(gentle music) - When I graduated from college, it was the height of the economic depression. Jobs were virtually impossible to come by, but I was fortunate enough to be hired by one of the Big Six accounting firms. So I was a few months into the job, I was working really hard, and I noticed it wasn't quite a right fit for me. But it was the major that I picked in college so I figured that I needed to keep moving along that accounting path. The HR manager, Kelly, called me into her office. And I still remember going in to have that meeting. So I walked in, sat down, and then she gave me the bad news. She said that your job's been eliminated. And it was a shock. I mean, me? Like, I was a great student in college. I had amazing internships, great grades, me? Why me? So I was holding back tears, kinda pulling myself together, and I remember packing up in my office, trying to think about when I went home what was I gonna say? How was I gonna explain this? Any time you face being…
