From the course: Sales: Selling Financial Products and Services

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Customers: More than a transaction

Customers: More than a transaction

- Your customers are busy people with complex lives. They're in need of a wide range of financial products and services. And it's your job to dig deep and find out who they are, what's important to them and what life changes they're experiencing. For example a young man in his 30's who comes in to buy car insurance may have future needs like buying a home, or saving for retirement. An older woman who comes in to discuss her retirement savings may have future needs for her growing business, children she needs to put through college, or aging parents she'll need to care for. You get the picture. Understand that there is so much more to your customers and their needs than the current product or service you're selling. When you see your customers in that way, you open the door to a lifelong selling relationship. The average customer has need of 15 to 16 financial services products. Things like, insurance, deposit accounts, credit cards, investments, loans, and the list goes on. Yet, most…
