From the course: Ryan Holmes on Social Leadership

Choose your weapon

- So once you've gotten some help and figured out the voice that you want to interact with, the next step is to choose your weapon. If you think about the social media channels out there, they are really evolving and consuming traditional media channels. Twitter is the new Newswire. Snapchat's the new television. Instagram's a glossy magazine. LinkedIn's your Rolodex. And Facebook's a combination of all of the above. And for leaders that are trying to figure out which channel is appropriate for them, yes the help will help you figure out the right channel. You do not need to and I would argue shouldn't be on every channel. You need to pick the ones that are appropriate for you and your strategy. If you're thinking about industry thought leadership, perhaps LinkedIn's the right channel for you. If you want to engage with millennials, you maybe think about SnapChat. It's going to vary on your brand and your strategy. And again, do not try to peanut butter spread across every single social channel out there. I do not think this is an effective strategy.
