From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Beware of RFPs

Beware of RFPs

- Request for a proposal, or RFPs, can be time-consuming efforts. They can create great opportunities for you to win additional business. Many times I've found that the client has already made up their mind as far as who's getting the contract. They're just using the RFP process as leverage in their negotiations with the prospective winner. Before responding to an RFP, understand whether or not you really have a chance of winning the business, and choose to propose accordingly. I had one organization that put us through a proposal process. It was for a one-day training course they wanted us to deliver. The RFP they sent us was 45 pages long. In addition to that, they wanted us to find five of our clients to serve as references. To serve as a reference, I needed to ask those five clients to fill out a five-page reference form. I respectfully told this prospective client that we were not going to submit to the RFP. I made that decision because it was going to take us more time and…
