From the course: The Crux of the Course: Key Takeaways from LinkedIn Learning

B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

(elated music) - So I work with a lot of companies in the business to business space, and sometimes I see a big gap internally where the sales and marketing departments are so separate that it's actually affecting their B2B marketing results. It works (chuckling) so much better when they all work together, and LinkedIn just happens to be a great place for that to happen. I'm Viveka VonRosen, and I'm an author and speaker who's been teaching LinkedIn strategies for about the past 12 years. So what if you're not a B2B marketer? Why should you care about this course? Well, it turns out that less than half of companies would describe their sales and marketing departments as highly aligned. There's a lot of business being missed in that leftover gap, and that all affects you. If you're in the B2B industry, and you're not using LinkedIn extensively in your marketing and sales efforts you're missing out on some real opportunities. Not only that, but chances are that your competition is using LinkedIn, and getting the edge. Another thing to be aware of don't take all your B2B marketing efforts on yourself. No matter the size of your company one person (chuckling) should not be doing it all, and, yes, you can tell your boss I said so. Employee advocacy, your employees sharing your B2B content, can really amplify your company's message. I'm not talking about recreating the wheel, but rather using LinkedIn to amplify your existing marketing efforts. Chances are you've created marketing collateral for your latest launch, or project. Is it being reflected on your company page, and content, and through your employees? In this course I'll show you the step by step strategies you can immediately implement to help your company, and your company page stand out on LinkedIn. So I hope you'll check out B2B marketing on LinkedIn for a deeper dive into these, and other LinkedIn B2B marketing techniques.
