From the course: Job Skills: Learning Retail Sales

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Asking for help

Asking for help

- [Narrator] What do you do when you don't know the answer to something? Do you take a wild guess, look it up, phone a friend, pretend like you know the answer? Listen, in your job, one of the most powerful things you can do when you're unsure about something is to ask for help. Like what are you gonna do when an unhappy customer demands a refund on a pair of shorts that she wore to a party last night, or a pair of shoes that have clearly been dragged through the mud? You could just say no, but there's probably a better way to handle that. Now, some people see asking for help as a sign of weakness, but it's really the exact opposite. It's a sign that you're using your brain. Trust me. Especially when you start a new job. Your manager and the people training you want you to ask questions. And, I mean, how are you supposed to know just how they like their shirts folded? You're not. So ask away and learn. Now, an important tip here. Using your brain means actually using it. If you're…
