From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Anticipate needs

Anticipate needs

- Hiring authorities are most impressed with recruiters who seem to read their minds. When you think about that for a moment, recruiters are really not mind readers, but there's many recruiters who are successful at proactively verses reactively anticipating the needs of their hiring authorities. The following represent seven strategies that you can use to become a more proactive recruiter. Strategy number one is, you've got to stay abreast of trends. And the way to do that is ask your hiring authorities what trade publications they're reading and you've got to read what they read. You've got to ask the candidates that you represent, what do they read? What associations do they belong to? And you've got to read what they're reading and join the associations. Or if nothing more, go to the websites of professional associations. It is the job of a professional association to inform the members of all the trends that are going on in a specific industry or profession. And trust me, there's…
