From the course: Critical Thinking

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Answer the seven so-whats?

Answer the seven so-whats?

From the course: Critical Thinking

Answer the seven so-whats?

- Good critical thinking processes don't just look at causes, they look at consequences as well. A great tool for thinking through the consequences of an action is the Seven So Whats. The Seven So Whats force you to go from an early answer to think through all the possible implications and future consequences of your action. Let me offer an example. Let's say we have a situation where we're going to change our incentive and bonus plan. And we say, "That's the recommendation." Okay, so what? If we change that, what happens? So what? Well, if we need to change it, we don't know how. I mean, if we knew how, we would have already changed it. Okay, so what? If we don't know how, what's the implication of that? Well, we need to find someone who does know how to do it. Okay, so what? What are the implications of that? Well, that means I need to start a search for a vice president of compensation. Okay, so if we start…
