From the course: Ryan Holmes on Social Leadership


- Once you've created some great content and shared it through your social channels, one of the big gold veins that most leaders don't use is their employee network. You've got a whole bunch of employees that really are curious about what you're thinking about and what you want to talk about with the world. One of the strategies that we've used as a company is to share the content that I'm working on with the rest of the workforce. In doing this, you achieve a couple of benefits. First off, your team becomes aware of what you're talking about, and that awareness is really important. In big organizations, people get busy. They don't always know what's going on and what you're thinking about, where the industry's going. This awareness is really huge. It creates better engagement with your employees, and I think creates a lot of really interesting conversations. The second part of why this is a gold vein is that, in turn, your employees, when they find and see content that you're creating, they in turn share it. That content goes through their social channels and their social networks. When it goes through their social networks, that content is seen as more word of mouth and friend to friend versus brand to audience. I would argue that that content is just so much more engaging when it's shared by a friend to a friend. A little bit of a technical tip for some people out there. In the world we live in of social content, all content is algorithmically sorted, meaning content that you share does not 100% guarantee to reach your audience. Historically, it would reach audiences on a one for one basis, but in the world we live in today, content is filtered by algorithm. Because of this, I would encourage you to experiment a little bit with promoted content, so effectively ad content and putting sponsorship against content. It will give you a way to gage the effectiveness of your organic or unpaid content, and to boost content that is potentially going to be viral and getting that in front of the right audience. I would, again, encourage you to get a little bit of budget and experiment with this with your team. Again, you're going to be building DNA around social media and you're going to be able to see which content effectively resonates.
