From the course: Tony Schwartz on Managing Your Energy for Sustainable High Performance

About energy management

- The map we've created is one built on the notion that there are four reservoirs of energy that we need to tap, or we need to regularly fuel and refuel in order to live the richest and most satisfying, and productive lives. There's physical energy, which is the quantity of your energy. There's emotional energy, which is the quality of your energy, how you feel. There's mental energy, which is the focus of your energy. And there's what we call spiritual energy, which is the energy derived from purpose, from a sense that what you do really matters. And what we've discovered is that all four of these sources of energy are absolutely critical to being fully fueled, that none of them is sufficient by itself, and that all of them influence one another. The Energy Project is about what it requires, what it takes to be more wholly human. There are two primary components of that. The first is simply about awareness. What we're looking at is the interior landscape. What's going on inside you? And it turns out, this is a vast unexplored territory of infinite potential, and what we've tried to do is really provide a map for understanding what's going on inside you so that you're in a position to influence it. You can't change what you don't notice. And the second component is to really introduce you to strategies grounded in the science of high performance, the research that tells us what works and what doesn't with the science that tells us in a more data driven way what actually contributes to your being able to live the life that you're capable of living.
