Del curso: Bootstrap 4 Essential Training

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Basic styles overview

Basic styles overview - Tutorial de Bootstrap

Del curso: Bootstrap 4 Essential Training

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Basic styles overview

- When you go to a webpage, a lot of things influence how the page looks. The browser has some default styles that it uses to display elements like headlines, paragraphs, et cetera. Now, these are called browser styles, and in addition to that you usually write your own CSS to make your sites look better. The Bootstrap CSS styles are going to go between browser styles and your own styles to provide changes that make things look better. In this section, I'll discuss the most basic changes to the defaults, things like fonts, lists, headings, images, and other basic HTML content. One interesting thing about these styles is that they use a set of reset commands called reboot. Reboot makes styles consistent across different platforms and browsers. Now, the main difference between reboot and most other normalized code is that it uses rems instead of pixels for sizing fonts. That makes it easier to build and customize Bootstrap, as well as your own components. Reboot also keeps style…
