From the course: Bluebeam: Tips and Tricks

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Keyboard shortcuts and customizations

Keyboard shortcuts and customizations - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam: Tips and Tricks

Keyboard shortcuts and customizations

- [Jim] Hi, Jim Rogers here and for this week's Bluebeam Tip I wanna talk about keyboard shortcuts. Now keyboard shortcuts in Bluebeam Revu are really important because there are literally hundreds of tools and commands and functions that exist in this program, and in order to execute them. You either have to go find the menu where those things exist or you have to come over and find one of the icons that represents the markup tool that you wanna use and that can be time consuming. So remembering the keyboard shortcut for these tools, can really make you more productive. Now let's take a look at keyboard shortcuts. If you look at my cursor over on the right side of the screen, I'm gonna highlight the Cloud+ tool. I'm just gonna hover over that, and you'll see that when I do it says that it's the Cloud+ tool and there's a K next to it. What this means is that the keyboard shortcut, for the Cloud+ tool is a K. So what I mean by that, what I mean by keyboard shortcut is let's put my…
