From the course: Bluebeam: Tips and Tricks

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Drawing mode vs. Properties mode

Drawing mode vs. Properties mode - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam: Tips and Tricks

Drawing mode vs. Properties mode

- [Instructor] Hello and welcome back to BlueBeam tips and tricks, in a previous episode, I showed you the tool chest panel, and I talked about how to create your own tool set, how to customize some of the markup tools and add them to your newly created toolsets, and then how to select one of those tools and reapply it to your construction drawings. Now I want to pick up from where I left off in that discussion and talk about the different ways you can use the tools that are stored here in your tool chest. So in the previous episode I simply clicked on the tool that I had created, I drug it out here to my drawing and I clicked again to let it go. And you might have noticed that when I do that, I end up adding a markup that has the same properties but also the same size and shape as the markup that I created that tool from. So, let's take a look at how to change the properties of this tool that we created, so that when we apply the markup to the drawings the properties are the same…
