From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Work with modeling tools

Work with modeling tools

- [Narrator] Blender comes with a ton of great tools for modeling. And in this week's Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, we're going to go over them. Let's start with this default cube and go into Edit mode by hitting Tab. Now if we zoom in, we can hit a couple of shortcuts. Control V for vertices, Control E for edge, and Control F for face. And each one of these has separate little options and tools that you can use, depending on which mode you're in. Another one you can use is W. This is a special sub-menu that you can use across all of edit mode. Let's stick first to vertices mode. One that I like right off the bat is just hitting GG. What that does is it makes a vertex go right along the path. If you select a couple of vertices, and you hit GG, you can see that they follow the same path that say, this edge is on, or this edge over here is on. That's pretty handy. Let's say you wanted to connect two vertices like these two right here. You can just select them and hit J. And that'll…
