From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Where is everything in Blender 2.8?!

Where is everything in Blender 2.8?! - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Where is everything in Blender 2.8?!

- [Instructor] In this week's Blender's Tips, Tricks and Techniques, I want to give you a simple tip. I want to show you where everything's at. A lot of our common panels and options have been renamed or shifted around and at first it could be confusing, so I want to help you out. The first thing is simply hitting T for tools. You'll note that it's a lot smaller and some of the options that we were used to are no longer there. So for example, let's say I wanted to annotate, I can click on the Annotation tool or hold it down and I see there's a whole bunch of extra options, but now I can just annotate and leave some cool marks onto my scene. You might ask yourself, "Well, in the old Blender, "you used to be able to change the color, "where did all of that go?" If you hit N and come over to Tool, you'll see that Tool Options are right here, and I can change the color to whatever I want, and I can even click on Note and get really crazy, Thickness and all sorts of other cool stuff. And…
