From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Unique selection tools

Unique selection tools

- [David] Blender has a lot of different selection tools that you may not have heard of. And while we've touched on some of them in the past, in this video I'm gonna show you some pretty unique ones that you may have never even known existed before. First, let's start with this Cube. We're gonna go ahead and delete this Lamp and get rid of this Camera. Go to this Cube, hit Tab. If everything is not selected you can hit A until it is, it'll be orange. Shift + D, Y, move that over here. Control + Tab, Face. Let's select the top two faces. Shift + S, Cursor to Selected. We'll put the cursor right in the middle. If you have a numpad you can hit 3 and then 5. If you don't have a numpad you can go to Right and then make sure you click on Ortho as well. Let's select only this top face over here. Right again, or View, Right. Then hit Alt + R. And then under Angle type 180. Now if for some reason your center is off or everything doesn't look right you need to make sure that your 3D cursor is…
