From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Quick render tests with overrides

Quick render tests with overrides - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Quick render tests with overrides

- [Instructor] Imagine if you had a scene with a whole bunch of objects and materials. How would you, say, change all of them to white? Well, rather than going through each and every single object, you can use the material override in your render layer. Or what if you had a scene with a whole bunch of objects but you had one piece of glass that was really noisy? What if you wanted to give that one render layer a sample? Well, same thing. Render has the ability to override settings at just the click of a button and in this week's Blender's Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, I'm gonna show you how to just do that. So lets go ahead and delete this cube. Lets get rid of of the plan, too. X, delete, and lets add a few objects with add. A sphere, let's add another sphere, and let's add a cylinder, why not a cone, and of course, a monkey. Let's go over here and switch it to cycles. Hit B to select everything, go and smooth, looking through the camera, yeah, its about good. We're gonna need a lamp…
