From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Particle armies

Particle armies

- [Instructor] Let's say you wanted to make an army of multiple monkey heads, some had, say, bigger eyes or bigger ears, how would you do this? Well in this week's Blenders Tips and Tricks, I'm going to show you just how. First, you want to delete your default cube, so let's delete that guy. Go to Cycles Render, Shift + C to center your scene, and Shift + A to add a monkey. Zoom into this little dude. Shift + D to duplicate him a few times. And let's select the first one. Go into Edit mode, you can also hit Tab. I'm going to use proportional editing here, just so that everything kind of deforms nicely. And I'm going to make a big head. In this case I'm going to hit C, make some big eyes. And finally, I'm going to select this little guy's ears by hitting B to draw a box and hitting S to scale and make out some big ears. Now the next thing that's important is to name all of these guys. So let's go to object. Let's call this one Big Ears. Let's call this little guy Big Eyes. And finally,…
