From the course: Sculpting a Game Asset in Blender

The Multiresolution modifier - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Sculpting a Game Asset in Blender

The Multiresolution modifier

- Now that we've added some extra resolution to the model, let's take a look at adding a multiresolution modifier. So, I'm going to select this hammerhead and I'm going to come over here to the modifiers panel and I'll click add modifier and let's add this multiresolution. Now, what we can do here is add subdivision levels. If I click subdivide, you can see that it begins to collapse a bit as we smooth it out. So, we're adding geometry to the object, but as we do, it's attempting to round out the curves around the edges of the object. So, if I hit subdivide again, you can see it begins to collapse around the edges and we don't really want that. We could sculpt on this and still bake the normal map, but there would be some problems, because the shape of our sculpt object doesn't really represent the shape of our low poly object. So, there are two different ways that the multiresolution modifier can smooth things. One, is this Catmull–Clark subdivision algorithm and the other one is, the Simple one here. And, if we click that, we can see that the multiresolution modifier is no longer trying to smooth out and round out those curves. And for this object, I think that's what we want. So if I hit the Z key, you can see that it's added a lot of geometry to the object. We're going to need that, as we begin to sculpt, but in doing so, it hasn't collapsed it around the corners. Let's take a look at the handle now. If I select this handle and add a multiresolution modifier to it and begin subdividing it, we can see that it handles the Catmull-Clark method of smoothing a lot better and it becomes nice and round and smooth. Now, if we zoom way in, you can still see some of the faceted polygons here. If we want to get rid of those, we can just come over here to the smooth shading in the tools tab and just click smooth and that will smooth those out a bit. For the rest of the pieces here, I'll just click on these accessory pieces. If we add a multiresolution modifier to it and add a few subdivisions here, you can see these begin to smooth a bit. I can click on smooth shading over here, but since I've added some edge loops to this, the edges on the top and the bottom of these objects aren't collapsing the way they were with the hammer. They're kind of smooth, but it isn't bad. I can click over to the simple algorithm and see how that works and that doesn't really work as well, because it keeps the faceted nature of the polygons here. So, I think even though the edges are rounding out a bit, I think the Catmull-Clark will probably be the best for these objects as well. So, now that we've added the multiresolution modifier to all of our objects. In the next video, we'll begin sculpting.
