From the course: Modeling a Motorcycle in Blender

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Modeling the exhaust pipes

Modeling the exhaust pipes

For the exhaust pipe, let's begin again at the side view. And I think I'll move the fork tubes back to the first layer. So I'll just press A to select everything and then I'll press m and move this to Layer 1. Now I've got this layer free again to create the exhaust pipes. Let's use the path tool again and I'll come over here to Create and create a path. And let's rotate it around the Z axis, so I'll press R Z 90. And there it is. And now, I'll just bring it up, scale it in and move it into place, right up here at the front of the bike. Right in here. I'll tumble around to kind of get it in place. Let me shift + click this other layer here and let's move this into place now. I'll just drag this and maybe... I think it comes up just barely along the edge of the gas tank here because they're going to have to come along outside of the frame here in the back. So I'll bring it out from the frame just a little bit. And maybe I can rotate it around the Y, R Y and tilt it in just a bit, like…
