From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Mesh analysis for 3D printers

Mesh analysis for 3D printers

- [David] One of the nicest things about Blender is how well it's built for 3D printing artists. In this week's Blender Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, we look at one of my favorite features, mesh analysis, and how it's built in to Blender 2.8. Now, before, you used to have either an edit mode option or you would have to go and turn on an add on, but with Blender 2.8, it's right here under Overlays. Let me show you. Let's remove our cube, X to delete it, Shift + A, let's go ahead and add a monkey. There we go, nice and complex. Then Tab into edit mode, A twice to deselect, hit down the Overlay button, and look for Mesh Analysis. And right away, you'll start to see what happens. We have, if I come back here, overhang mode on and overhang tells us whatever faces are facing downwards. This is really tough for a 3D printer, so it's nice to really get a good look at the whole overhang idea and identify some possible problem areas. If I come back here to Overlays, I can switch to Sharp…
