From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Making fire out of nodes

Making fire out of nodes

- [David] In this week's Blender's Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, we're going to create fire. Out of a node! We're actually just going to use all cycles nodes to create fire, it's going to be awesome. Now this tutorial was inspired by my dear friend Derek Parker, also known as LORD ODIN on the Blender world of artists. He taught use this really cool technique, so thank you, LORD ODIN. So let's get started. Now, to create this, we're going to need to switch to cycles, and we're going to want to delete this. Shift-A, Plane, let's add a plane, scale it up our Y, or X, doesn't matter. I'm going to say X, 90. Now let's come over here, let's go to Node, hit T to close it off, N to close this off. New Material, I'm going to zoom in here, now things are going to get really, really complicated, so let's just start all the way from the left. We're going to need our texture coordinates. Next, we're going to need a mapping node, we're actually going to need two of them. So let's go ahead and add…
