From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Magic UV

Magic UV

- [David] In this week's Blender's Tips, Tricks and Techniques, we're going to look at a simple add on that will help your UV and texture unwrapping workflow. It's called Magic UV. To turn it on, come up to file, user preferences, and type in Magic UV, and make sure it's checkboxed on. Save user settings, and now let's get rid of this cube. Let's go to cycles and let's shift + A, add a monkey, and make sure we generate UVs. Now to make this pretty simple, we're going to go to texture, make a new one, new. Let's call it color, and switch generated type to color grid. Come up to material, new material, image texture, color. All right, so now our monkey has a UV on him. Now let's open this up a little bit, and switch to UV image editor, and if I hit tab, you can see my UV is on my monkey. All right, so now let's hit N and A to select the UVs, and you'll see this new option, UV bounding box. It's really, really handy. So let's click on it, and that's going to give me these little white…
