From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Light path nodes for rendering

Light path nodes for rendering - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Light path nodes for rendering

- [David] In this week's Blenders Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, we're going to talk about the Light Path node in Cycles. Simply put, rendering in Blender is achieved by sending a ray, or a light path, from the camera throughout the objects in a scene and computing their value every time that ray bounces. A ray bouncing off, say, a red diffused spear will tell the camera that it's red at that specific point. Blender Cycles is omnidirectional and that means that all the rays come from the camera. For the most part, that works, but certain materials can be very expensive to render. So, Cycles includes a Light Path node to let you control what gets rendered to the scene and to the camera. Let's take a look. First, let's delete all of these things here. Get rid of the cube and the lamp. Switch the Cycles. We're just going to make a plane, scale it up. Let's bring this over a little bit. Material, we're going to say this is a Floor. We're going to make it a little duller. Let's make another…
