From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Let's make grass

Let's make grass

- [Instructor] In this week's Blender's tips and tricks, we're going to learn how to make a grass hill. Now, we'll be using one of my favorite features in Blender's particle system. It's called Children. The first way to get started is to delete this cube, and switch to Cycles Render and start making a hill. So let's get in here, hit shift + a, make a plane, scale it out, and let's hit tab, w and subdivide this thing about 10 times. Okay, good. Now you can hit c, pick some of the middle vertices here and turn on Proportional Editing and hit g. And this is going to allow us to pull things kind of lightly, and this little circle here indicates how far the falloff on that pole is going to be, so g ,z, give us a nice little hill there. Alright. Hit tab to get out of edit mode. Smooth shade it so it gets nice and smooth, and let's bring out properties and go to Modifier, Subdivision Surface and let's go to two. That's going to give us a nice, smooth hill. Okay, good. Now let's go to layer…
