From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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- [Instructor] One of the most underutilized tools in modeling is a lattice. In this week's tips, tricks, and techniques we're going to go over the incredible power of this modifier. Now to turn it on, we have to do a couple of things. First, let's get rid of this cube, so X to delete. Shift + A, let's add a monkey. Shift + A, again, let's add a lattice. We can zoom in to this lattice by going to View Selected or just hitting the Number Pad + Period button. We're going to size up the lattice, and we're going to do it in Object Mode, not Edit Mode, and I'll show you why a little bit later. Let's add a couple of more. Here we go. Go to four, and then let's go to our monkey. Go to modifiers, and let's add a lattice modifier, and pick the lattice object. Okay, now nothing's happened so far, but the moment I go into Edit Mode on my lattice, I can start to play around with this monkey and do some pretty crazy stuff. Maybe I want to pull him out. Maybe I want to squish him down a little bit.…
