From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Kill fireflies with good render settings

Kill fireflies with good render settings - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Kill fireflies with good render settings

- [Instructor] Rendering in Blender can be incredibly fun, yet equally excruciating when you finally get your scene and you notice all of these weird little gray dots, these bright white dots we call fireflies, and finally, render sometimes can take so long. Well, in this week's Blender Tips, Tricks, and Techniques we're going to go through a lot of settings that you can use to speed up and make your renders look great. Let's dive in. Now we're going to be using this famous benchmark scene made by (mumbling) as our well, benchmark. One of the first things I want to talk about are samples. Now it goes to say that the more samples we throw at a scene the cleaner the scene will get. And by cleaner I mean the scene will actually look a lot nicer and we'll get rid of a lot of random little white fireflies, et cetera. The downside of throwing a lot of samples at a scene is that sometimes things may not resolve. Like this little tiny white dot right here. So let's find other tricks that we…
