From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Grow ivy or moss on an object

Grow ivy or moss on an object

- [Instructor] Have you ever wanted to grow ivy or moss on an object? Well in this week's Blender's Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, I'm gonna show you an add-on on how to do just that. First let's go ahead and delete everything here, so I'm gonna hit A twice, X, Delete, and I'm gonna go up to file, User Preferences, I'm gonna turn on Archimesh, A-R-C-H. Turn that on by check boxing it, and then Ivy, I-V-Y, if that's not on already just click on the check box. And then go to Save User Settings. And close out of this. Now the next thing I wanna do is hit Shift + A, Mesh, Archimesh. Let's go ahead and add a column. That looks pretty cool. Nice and simple. Now the next thing I wanna do is go to Shift + A, Curve, Add Ivy to Mesh. Now without doing anything, I actually get something that looks pretty nifty. You can see there's all this ivy growing up. And if I look underneath you can see even some of them sticking out. Now what if I undo that? Control + Z. Left click anywhere. Say about…
