From the course: Modeling a Motorcycle in Blender

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- Well thank you for joining me as we've explored hard surface modeling in Blender, with Blender Motorcycle Modeling. I've really had a lot of fun. I hope it's been useful for you. If you'd like to continue with Blender, please check out a few of my other courses on Lynda dot com. There's Blender UV Mapping that takes you through the process and the techniques of UV Mapping in Blender. We talk about what UV Mapping is, why it's needed and how you can use it to apply two dimensional textures to your 3D objects. And check out Creating an Interior Scene with Blender. Here's we go through the entire process of creating an interior scene in Blender from beginning to end. The modeling, UV mapping, texturing and lighting. So I wish you good luck as you continue working with Blender and thanks for watching.
