From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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EEVEE for Beginners: Indirection lighting probes

EEVEE for Beginners: Indirection lighting probes - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

EEVEE for Beginners: Indirection lighting probes

- In this week's Blender: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, we're going to talk about baking indirect lighting or how to use emission material if you have it in the scene. First, we need to go ahead and have an interesting subject. Let's delete our cube. Hit Shift + A, and got Mesh, Monkey. Pretty cool. And now, let's go ahead and hit Shift + A again and add, say, a UV Sphere. Put it off into the distance. Go to Material. Open this up a little bit. Material, New, Principled, and change it to Emission. Come up to Render, which is right up here. Let's change this Emission to something crazy like green. Maybe set it to a strength of two. Come back over here, and you'll see that nothing I do is affecting this monkey's light. If I'm in Cycles, it'll affect it right away. But if I'm in Eevee, it won't affect it. And that's because emission materials don't necessarily work out of the gate inside of Eevee. But you can…
