From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Dynamically paint different cycle materials

Dynamically paint different cycle materials - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Dynamically paint different cycle materials

- [Instructor] Painting dynamically is something we've covered in the past. It lets you take a object and paint onto another object as if it were an actual paint brush, but what if you didn't want to paint just a bland color, what if you wanted to paint with another material, like what if you wanted to paint over with a clear coat and make it shiny? Well, in this week's Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques, I'm going to show you just how to do that. To start we're going to need a few new objects, so I'm going to go ahead and delete this cube. Go to Cycles, Shift + A, let's add a plane and make it big and now let's add a brush of some sort, so I'm going to go to UV Sphere. There we go. Now, the next thing I want to do is actually add some materials, so here I'm just going to leave this as a blank material as the thing to paint and over here on this plane, I'm going to actually go ahead and go to Modifier and Subdivision and I'm going to kick it up a bunch. Say like four. And go to…
