From the course: Modeling a Motorcycle in Blender

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Creating the fenders

Creating the fenders

- [Voiceover] To create the fenders, I'm gonna use a very similar process that we used for the tires, and the gas tank, but instead of this time using primitives, like a cube and a cylinder, we're just gonna use a polygon plane. So I'm gonna come over here to the Create tab, and click Plane and there it is. And I'm gonna scale it down some, and now I'm gonna go to the side view and the orthographic view, and just hit the G key and move it up into place. Maybe, we can begin it right here in the center of the fender, right there. And if I tumble back around, we can see that it's sitting kind of there in the center, aligned down the Y axis. So, once again if I tab into Edit mode, and then hit Control + R, and place an edge right there down the center, hitting the Enter key twice, now I can switch to Face mode, and select that face, and delete Faces. Now, we come over here, add a Modifier, Mirror, and now we've got our polygon plane mirrored over. I'm gonna go ahead and click this button…
